NHS Pension Advice For Doctors

NHS Pension Advice For Doctors

An effective pension plan can prolong your financial freedom throughout your retirement, but the ever-changing rules governing doctor’s pensions pose many complexities, which is why we are here to help with independent pension advice for GPs and doctors.

We are experts in the NHS Pension Scheme, yet our pension advice for GPs is holistic, taking stock of the most effective private pension options and additional saving strategies to maximise your retirement resources.


The NHS Pension Scheme is the main pillar of retirement planning for doctors. The scheme provides medical professionals with a lifelong, inflation-linked income with the added benefits of life cover and financial support for dependants.

It is a voluntary pension scheme available to GPs with benefits paid in addition to the basic state pension. If you are part of the NHS Pension Scheme, you will be in one of three different types: the 1995 and 2008 Sections, which pay a final salary pension, and the 2015 Section, which pays an income based on your career average earnings.


Deciding whether or not the NHS Pension is right for you is a personal choice, and the answer will be different for each individual. That is why it is important to seek out independent pension advice for GPs.

By working with an advisor with experience specifically in pension advice for GPs and doctors, you can create your own retirement strategy. In doing so, you will have a clear financial goal for your future that will help you draw the most from your NHS Pension or any other retirement income you choose.

There are ways to maximise your retirement outside of the NHS Pension Scheme, including savings, investments, and property which all tie into your wider retirement strategy. Whether you use these in addition to the NHS Pension or to create your own retirement plan, it’s important you seek advice on pensions for GPs before making that decision to ensure you’re choosing the right path for your financial future.



Despite reforms including higher rates of pay contribution and the introduction of the career average scheme, the NHS Pension still offers excellent value for money.

Getting independent pension advice for GPs and doctors will help you consider the most favourable strategy for your career path. At Chase de Vere, we’re specialists in NHS Pension advice and can help you find the right retirement solution.

Please get in touch to arrange a consultation with a Chase de Vere independent financial advisor today.




three junior doctors walking along a hospital corridor discussing case and wearing scrubs. A patient or visitor is sitting in the corridor as they walk past .
1 Comprehensive financial planning for medical practitioners
2 The UK’s largest specialist adviser
3 We’ve advised over 14,000 medical professionals

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